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Guess what Jack does once he gets his powers back during the climax? Grant explains to the general that, if Jack still had his powers, he could use them to create a vortex to suck all the Gamma-13 out of Concussion's systems. The bully is then shown screaming under Tucker's shadow and water splashes everywhere, soaking everyone. Tucker then jumps into the pool but not before using his superpowers to enlarge his buttocks to cushion his jump into the pool.

  • At a water park, one kid makes a snide comment about Tucker's weight, calling him "lard butt".
  • Summer retaliates by using her superpower to propell the school cafeteria food all over them, ruining their cheerleading outfits.
  • Three cheerleaders take away Summer's lunch tray and insult her to her face for no reason.
  • Only to get thrown and stuck up into a tree due to her super-strength.
  • When trick-or-treating, a tough kid bully tries to rob Cindy of her halloween candy.
  • Bullying a Dragon: A lot of the adolescents that bullied superheroes Cindy, Summer and Tucker should've known better.
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  • Broken Pedestal: Marsha loses her admiration of Jack when he keeps putting down the kids he's supposed to teach due to his jadedness with the superhero life.
  • or that Summer would even want to become a cheerleader after how she was treated?
  • Broken Aesop: If the cheerleaders treated Summer horribly before she became a member of the Zoom team, what does it say that they accept her as a member of the team because she has powers that make them look good, dresses like them, is a member of a famous super-team and had a hot boyfriend.
  • She sometimes veers into Ditzy Genius, as in the opening scene when she nearly gets hit by a truck while trying to contact Jack.
  • Brainy Brunette: Marsha is a brunette nerd who works at Area 52.
  • Then he asks what is everyone else having.

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    When he and the gang are ordering their meals from their spaceship at the Wendy's drive-thru, he asks for six frosties.

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  • Basement-Dweller: Marsha admits she was this in her youth.

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