
Subnautica game target
Subnautica game target

subnautica game target

  • fastgrow - Increases the speed at which vegetation in a planter will grow by a huge amount.
  • fastscan - Increases the speed of scanning when using the Scanner tool.
  • filterfast - Increases the fabrication speed of Water Filtration Machines.
  • invisible - Creatures will become non-hostile to the player.
  • instagib - Toggles the mode where the player can kill anything in a single attack.
  • takedamage - Damages the player's health by the specified amount (value represents a percentage of max health).
  • damage - Sets the damage multiplier of the player's attacks.
  • ency all - Unlocks every database entry.
  • ency - Unlocks the specified database entry.
  • resourcesfor - Grants the player all of the resources required to craft the specified item.
  • bobthebuilder - Enables many other commands simultaneously (fastbuild, unlock all, nocost, fastgrow, fasthatch, and radiation) as well as adds a few tools to the player's inventory (1 Habitat Builder, 1 Scanner, 1 Survival Knife, and 1 Repair Tool).
  • madloot - Spawns a large collection of items and tools (1 Survival Knife, 1 Habitat Builder, 3 Batteries, 4 Computer Chips, 5 Creepvine Samples, 10 Titanium, and 10 Glass).
  • tools loot - Spawns a collection of tools (1 Repair Tool, 1 Seaglide, 1 Flare, 1 Transfuser, 1 Propulsion Cannon, and 1 Stasis Rifle).
  • spawnloot - Spawns a small collection of items (1 Quartz, 1 Copper Ore, 1 Silver Ore, 1 Salt Deposit, 1 Gold, and 4 Metal Salvage).
  • exosuitarms - Grants the player all Prawn Suit arms.
  • exosuitupgrades - Grants the player all Prawn Suit modules.
  • seamothupgrades - Grants the player all Seamoth modules.
  • cyclopsupgrades - Grants the player all Cyclops modules.
  • vehicleupgrades - Grants the player every common-level vehicle module.
  • filtersalt - Causes the creation of a Salt Deposit at every Water Filtration Machine on the map.
  • subnautica game target

    filterwater - Causes the creation of a Large Filtered Water at every Water Filtration Machine on the map.sub escapepod - Spawns a Lifepod 5 (a new one, the existing one is not affected) somewhere within the Safe Shallows biome and places the player within it.sub aurora - Spawns the Aurora near to the player.sub cyclops - Spawns the Cyclops vehicle in front of the player.playerinfection - Alters the stage of the Kharaa Bacterium infection level within the player between a range of 1 to 5 (5 will cure the player).lldetach - Removes all attached lava larva from any targeted vehicle.infect - Infects the player, as well as all creatures nearby, with the Kharaa Bacterium.

    subnautica game target

  • cure - Cures the player, as well as all creatures nearby, of the Kharaa Bacterium.
  • spawn - Spawns the desired number of a specific object (including creatures) in front of the player.
  • clearinventory - Deletes everything that the player currently has in their inventory.
  • item - Adds the desired number of a specific item to the player's inventory.
  • Subnautica game target how to#

    RELATED: Subnautica: How to Get Stalker Teeth All General Console Commands & What They Do To get around such awkward circumstances, players should consider restarting the game before doing anything else, however, if that does not work, then one may need to use one of the following commands. This can mean anything from one's Prawn Suit getting stuck in a wall to resources not dropping items. forcerocketready - Allows the player to launch the Neptune Escape Rocket without needing to disable the Quarantine Enforcement PlatformĪs their classification implies, these commands have a general usage that pertains to specific situations where things just don't go as planned.infectionreveal - Plays the animation of the player realizing that they are infected with the Kharaa Bacterium (this will advance the player's infection stage to 4).playsunbeamfx - Plays only the latter part of the cutscene where the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shoots down the Sunbeam.precursorgunaim - Plays the cutscene where the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shoots down the Sunbeam.sunbeamcountdownstart - Starts the countdown for the Sunbeam story event.startsunbeamstoryevent - Starts the Sunbeam story event.restoreship - Reverts the Aurora to its pre-destroyed state as well as reactivates the radiation around it.explodeship - Causes the drive core explosion event of the Aurora.countdownship - Starts the countdown for the drive core explosion event of the Aurora.RELATED: Subnautica: How to Get Aerogel All Event Console Commands & What They Do

    Subnautica game target